1. The person who last tag u is...
::: M@ma Mya
2. 5 Impression of her...
::: happy go lucky, Friendly, Lovely, Caring and Cute!
3. Your Relation with her ...
:::kawan :::blogger:::
4. The most memorable things she had done for you...
::: selalu bg comment..
5. The most memorable things she had say to you.....
::: pasai ruam aleeya kot...
6. If she become your lover, you will...
::: uish...idak sama skali......
7. If she become your lover, thing she had to improve will be......
::: never....
8. If she become your enemies, you will...
::: kalau bleh elakkan lah yer...
9. If she become your enemies, maybe because of...
::: idak kot...sbb kami tak penah berjumpak...
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:...
::: emmm....beri komen bebyk...
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:...
::: tak sombong...
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:...
::: talkative...(peramahla)
13. The characters you love of yourself are:...
::: rajin memasak(hubby jer yg tau),rajin ngemas umah,peramah(senang dpt kwn tau),tak sombong...
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:...
::: cepat sensitip,cepat marah gakla...
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:...
::: Business Women
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:...
::: thanks kerna sudi berkwn dgn saya...
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you :-
1. m@ma Afiq
2. Mam@ Aqilah
4.Umi YamAni
6.Akak Yatie
7.M@ma DamiA
8.MommY LiLy
9.Akak Rose
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?...
::: rasa2nye x de kot dlm list
19. Is no.9 a male or female:...
::: 100% pompuan smua okayyyy
20. What is no.2 studying about?...
::: JabTn Pnerangan Kot...
21. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?...
::: melalui blog jek
22. What kind of music band does no.8 like?...
::: ish eden tak penah tanya pong...
23. Does no.1 have any siblings?...
::: semestinye
24. Will you woo no.3?...
::: ish idakkkkk aih....
25. How about no.7?...
::: No Reason also..
26. Is no.4 single?...
::: udah anak nk masuk 2...
27. What is the surname of no.5?...
::: Tan @ Salmah
28. What’s the hobby of no.4?...
::: men ngan haikal kot...hiks...
29. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?...
::: x pasti
30. Where is no.2 studying at?...
::: eden tak pasti lorrrr
31. Talk something casually about no.1:...
:::mama afiq sekepala ngan aku nih...so kalau kluaq skali no problemla...
32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?...
::: kwn jer kot...
33. Where does no.9 live at?...
::: Kl kot..hehe
34. What colour does no.4 like?...
::: hijoooooooo
35. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?.
::: rasany2 x kot
There’s No 36 to 39...hiks...ok gak tuh
40. Does no.1 have any pets?...
::: nop
41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?...
:::: kahkah...idakla di ketahui...
42. What is no. 10 doing now?...
:::: agaknye dia dok terjah blog org kot hahaha
alamak .. panjangnya tag nieh ... kompem kena hutang dulu nieh ... huhuhu ...
aik!! kena tag ke...napa tak tinggal jejak kat blog saya...
xpa nnt saya buat k...
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